Giana Hesterberg

I first visited BCF with my family while on college break. When I moved back to Brownsville in 2007 and was church shopping, BCF was one of my first stops. I heard Pastor Beau preach, and joined the same small group. The rest, as they say, is history. When I am not caring for Pastor Beau and our three precious children, I enjoys
cooking and delivering meals to those in need, hosting small groups, and connecting deeply with other women.


And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you
will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” -Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)


    Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young woman. A truly amazing young woman. Her faith is what I’m reminded of when I read God’s Words about the faith of a child. I love children. Having littles of my own has internalized what it means to have faith like a child. Jack and Ceci truly believe that God can do anything! We were driving around San Antonio when we heard a small noise from the back of the van.

    Jack said, “Mama, I think Ceci just threw up.” I looked back to see Cecily looking normal, with a small, white stain at the base of her booster seat. She had spit up and seemed to lack the high energy she usually possesses.

    “Can we pray for Ceci to feel better?” Jack asked. “Yes,” I said, “will you pray for her, Jack?”

    We turned off the radio and bowed our heads. (Except for Beau, of course, who was driving). Jack began, “Dear Lord, please heal Ceci and help her to feel better. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.” We all agreed.

    Ceci didn’t throw up anymore that day, or the next. In fact, it was as if she had not been ill at all. While traveling through the Hill Country, Jack observed, “God healed Ceci because she’s not sick anymore.” He prayed for his younger sister once, and believed every word he spoke. 

    Mary was a wonderful example of child-like faith, and one we are called to model. When the angel of the Lord came to her, she didn’t believe she was hallucinating, she didn’t worry that being pregnant out of marriage could mean death for her.  She had faith that God had chosen her for this task and He would take care of her.  At a young age, she not only accepted the angel’s words, but she responded beautifully by saying, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38)

1.    This Christmas season what situation or circumstance is the Lord calling you to have faith like a child?
2.    What does it mean to “change and become like little children”?
3.    Do you believe that God can do anything?