Noah Trstenjak

Hi, my name is Noah Trstenjak. I am the oldest of seven children. I enjoy reading, airsoft, and politics. I serve at BCF by helping with the audio/visual in the Kidnection Elementary wing. 


Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. 

Psalm 27:14 (New American Standard Bible)


    People today love the word “instant.” There’s instant oatmeal, instant coffee, instant tea, and instant dinners just to name a few. We just don’t want to wait. 
    Businessmen rake in millions of dollars by making things faster and easier. Companies offer same-day shipping at a higher rate because people will pay huge amounts just to get things faster.
    Fast-food chains are making millions, why? Not because their food is better; they’re simply faster. People don’t want to sit and wait for good food when they could just drive-through somewhere and have it right away. 
    So, what’s the good news? God is the exact opposite of us. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, God had a plan for redemption. As far as waiting goes, the Bible gives us a wonderful example of patiently waiting in the story of Jesus’ birth. The birth of Jesus had been foretold for thousands of years by the prophets. What followed these detailed prophecies was a period of profound waiting—four-hundred years from the time when the last book of the Old Testament was written, to the time of Jesus’ birth. 
    I know that waiting can be hard—sometimes very hard. Maybe you are waiting for something a little more important than your latest online order to arrive. You’ve been praying and waiting for an answer from God for years. I know it can be hard, but be patient. Trust that God knows what He’s doing. And thank goodness answers from God never end up on back order! 
    During this Christmas season, if you’re waiting for an answer from God about something important, remember that Christmas is really a celebration of something (Jesus) that people had waited and prayed about for centuries. And remember that God always delivers right on time.